Archival - Instytut Pileckiego
- Doppelt Frei. Die Geburtsstunde des Frauenwahlrechts in Polen
Doppelt Frei. Die Geburtsstunde des Frauenwahlrechts in Polen
- Lemkin. Witness to the Age of Genocide
Lemkin. Witness to the Age of Genocide
- Delivered. The Scout Mail in the Warsaw Uprising of 1944
Delivered. The Scout Mail in the Warsaw Uprising of 1944
Temporary exhibition 29.3.-10.8.2022
- Belarus lives - an exhibition documenting the protest movement in Belarus
Belarus lives - an exhibition documenting the protest movement in Belarus
- The Volunteer. Witold Pilecki and his Mission in Auschwitz
The Volunteer. Witold Pilecki and his Mission in Auschwitz
Permanent exhibition