7.) Stalin in His Own Words - Instytut Pileckiego
7.) Stalin in His Own Words
Berlin has several graves of fallen soldiers from various countries that were under the rule of the Soviet Union at the time of World War II. Some of these mass graves were transformed by the communist regime into showing of its power and the glorification of its ideology. This space represents the third largest war memorial in Berlin. One prominent feature of absurdity is the inclusion of Stalin's quotations, with six of his quotes displayed in both German and Russian. As expected, the space also prominently features Soviet symbols. However, for the peoples enslaved by the regime, the Soviet emblem became a symbol of persecution and extermination based on their non-Russian identity.
Furthermore, the choice to display the years of the Second World War (1941-1945) serves a specific purpose. The regime sought to conceal the fact of collaboration and the secret protocol signed by Molotov and Ribbentrop, which divided the Soviet and German "spheres of influence" in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland.
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