Announcement of the results of the call for applications for the 5th edition of the "Exercising Modernity Academy" - Instytut Pileckiego
Announcement of the results of the call for applications for the 5th edition of the "Exercising Modernity Academy"
As many as fifty-nine applicants have applied to take part in this year's Exercising Modernity Academy 2024 entitled "Geographies of Modernity - communities, discourses and ruptures", which will take place in Berlin from 17-22.09.2024

The Evaluation Committee gather on 02.08.2024 at 12.00 p.m., consisting of:
• Hanna Radziejowska - Director of the Pilecki Institute Berlin
• Małgorzata Jędrzejczyk – Head of the Exercising Modernity Programme, Pilecki Institute Berlin, Chair of the Evaluation Committee
• Aleksandra Janus - Curator of the Exercising Modernity Programme, independent curator
• Witold Okun – Coordinator of the Exercising Modernity Programme, Pilecki Institute Berlin, Committee Secretary
• Anika Idczak, Manager, Adam Mickiewicz Institute
• Daria Natkowska, Producer, Adam Mickiewicz Institute
The members of the Evaluation Committee assessed each of the applications submitted, taking into account the key categories: the relevance of the application to the theme of this year's Academy; the quality of the artistic activity/research carried out; the interdisciplinarity of the activity; the quality of the idea; the competence of the candidate; the potential for realising the proposed project. In addition, in order to maintain the proportions of the selected group in terms of the diversity of disciplines, the discipline of artistic activity/research carried out and the candidate's background were also additional criteria for acceptance.
Participants shortlisted for the Exercising Modernity Academy 2024:
BAKOŃ Joanna, Poland
BELAOKI Sergei, Belarus (based in Poland)
BIDAS Rotem, Israel
BOJKOWSKA Katarzyna, Poland
DIDENKO Kateryna, Ukraine
ENGEL Louisa, Germany
FILONCHUK Olha, Ukraine (based in Germany)
KOERSCHKES Torben, Germany
KORNEICHUK Lisa, Ukraine
LEHMANN Aneta, Poland
MICHALIK Magdalena, Poland
PRZYBYŁA Anna, Poland
REICH Martin, Germany
RUEß Simone, Germany
SZEJNOCH Kamila, Poland
TAMARI MATAN Shani, Israel
ZDANOWICZ Maciej, Poland
We thank all those who submitted their applications and congratulate those who qualified!
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