FINAL STAGE VOTING - Instytut Pileckiego
Check the nominees for the Manipulenin Award and vote for the 5 finalists
Thanks for the overwhelming interest so far
Now we know your nominees!
We need to hear your voice again: Stage 2
1.) Check the nominees and vote for the 5 finalists:
2.) Join us for the Manipulenin Award Ceremony on Monday at 18.30!
"We invite you to the biggest event of the year: the Manipulenin Award!
At the final award ceremony, discover who the people chose as the deserving recipient of this special award. We will learn about the individuals and narratives that perceive history as their own canvas.
Your voice determined the most deserving recipient of the Manipulenin Award 2024.
- 27 / 05 / 2024
- 18:30-20:00
- The Manipulenin Award Ceremony
- Registration required:
Ft. DJ Taurus (Javelin Records)
Dramaturgy: Anastasiia Kosodii
In cooperation with Vitsche Berlin"
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