Forward, into the past! Russia and politics of memory - Instytut Pileckiego
Forward, into the past! Russia and politics of memory
Forward, into the past! "Russia and politics of memory" - key findings of the new OSW special report.
16.12.2021, 18.00 | Maria Domanska, Jadwiga Rogoza, Nikita Pietrow, Gabriele Woidelko, Juliane Fürst, Mateusz Falkowski, Hanna Radziejowska | Pariser Platz 4A, 10117 Berlin
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Please be aware that all participants have to be either vaccinated or recovered (2G-rules).
The Kremlin's vision of the past is becoming increasingly ideologised. This applies especially to the notion of victory over Nazi Germany in 1945, which has become a kind of a founding myth of Putinism. The historical narrative is intended to legitimise the authoritarian system of government as being optimal for Russia, and thus to perpetuate the model of state-society relationship that serves the Kremlin’s interests. Its important function is to justify Moscow's aggressive foreign policy in the twenty-first century and its ambitions to influence the international order, including the European security architecture.
Several questions arise. How does the regime guard the ‘canonical’ vision of the past? Why is popular culture one of the most effective tools for shaping minds in a militarised and authoritarian manner? Why do Russians view Stalin more and more favourably, and how does it correspond with the fact that more and more young people are eager to research the difficult history of their families, communities and hometowns? How does the Internet help? In search of answers, the authors examine both the activity of the state and the changes in the mentality of Russian citizens.
Scheudule and participants:
- Hanna Radziejowska (Pilecki-Institute Berlin) - greetings
- Maria Domańska, Jadwiga Rogoża (OSW): Forward, into the past! Russia’s politics of memory in the service of ‘eternal’ authoritarianism. OSW Report, Warsaw 2021. Presentation of the key findings of the special report
- Comments:
- Nikita Pietrow (Memorial, online)
- Gabriele Woidelko (Head Department History and Politics, Körber-Stiftung)
- Juliane Fürst (Head Department Communism and Society, ZZF Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History)
- Discussion moderated by Mateusz Fałkowski
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