Performance: "Executed Song" - Instytut Pileckiego

Performance: "Executed Song"

We invite you to the Performative evening "Executed song" at 18:00 on Monday, 9th May, which will take place at the Pilecki Institut. The event will consist of three parts, united by a culture that has been protected by Ukrainian identity over the centuries. We will get acquainted with her character through dialogue with three generations.

09.05.2022, 18.00 | Pariser Platz 4A, 10117 Berlin | Please register at

In the first part of the event "Live talk with the artist by Diana Mankovska", each guest of the evening will be invited for a dialog with a Ukrainian artist who became a refugee 2 months ago. Learning how to speak on difficult topics is one of the greatest challenges for wartime societies. Lack of dialogue often creates stereotypes and distorts reality unknown to people. Guests of the evening will be able to ask questions in both ways - verbally and in writing. At the entrance, there will be paper sheets, where you can write the questions and pass them to the moderator of the event.

The second part of the event includes the documentary art-video project "The Street I Need" created by teenagers from Ukraine under the coordination of the art group "Vidlik Projects". We will see 6 video works about the native street from the childhood, which teenagers were forced to leave due to the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2014. Personalizing the loss of war allows us to realize the "loss" through empirical experience and to get closer to understanding how we can support victims of the war.

The final part will be a performative reading of poems by poets of the “Rozstriliane Vidrodzenia” (“Executed Renaissance”) performed in German and Ukrainian through the prism of musical improvisation. In the name of the art group "Executed Renaissance" we see a constantly recurring cycle of culture, which is being revived after an attempt to destroy it. Poems will be performed by Ukrainian actresses: Diana Mankovska, Oleksandra Basovska, Darya Lazareva, and musician Iryna Mavka. In the voices of the modern Ukrainian generation, we demonstrate that attempts to annihilate culture as long as it is preserved in the memory of generations will never be successful.

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